
引一段: 几个典型例子:有一被试者屡次将图片看成死动物或解剖,如死熊、死蝙蝠、狗皮、人血、颅骨等,不久这个人自杀了。另一个人患了焦虚症,但找不到病因,难以治疗,作了罗夏测验,他竟多次看到了性器官,或有性意味,如大腿、胸脯,原来是性的方面有了问题,找到病因,就容易治疗了。 这感觉就特别像那个: 我朋友周一看到脸有黑气,周五就 掉下水井里 了。 主人的回复:哦,下次就要 多注意 了! 有种,莫名的喜感。 不过的确是……躁狂症【啊哈哈】、智力痴呆【喂!】、没多久就会自杀【等等这不是真的】。亏我自认在良好的环境下长大,现在看来最多只能算是衣食无忧。还有一点就是孩子认为自己应该对家长付出到什么地步真的很值得家长们重视,本来溺爱的界限就很难把握,有时也许是在孩子这方扭曲了父母爱的期望。 Diagnostic Overview: You have a disregard of all rules and take sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, you like hockey. There is no likelihood of your making any recovery from this, so wallow in self-pity and then have another beer and some chips. People who answer as you did always cheat at card games or other pursuits. Long-Term Prognosis: With luck, you could exist in a vegetative state, doing phone sales or selling insurance. Just don't push it; too much brain work will make your butt ache. You don't hate your mother and father, but you hate total strangers and anyone wearing blue. Lithium is prescribed in your case, l...